#DroneRideAlong Day 1: Flying in the Fray

We made it to Texas safely, and we’re on the ground, ready to help. We arrived in Houston and our work took us south. As we travelled we noticed the most pronounced type of damage on rooftops was caused by the powerful wind Hurricane Harvey brought with it.

We saw sparse wind damage in Bay City and saw more signs of damage as we neared the coast. Traveling through Port Lavaca and south to Port O’Connor, wind damage was consistent and severe, which is to be expected – Port O’Connor is the epicenter of where Harvey initially made landfall before swinging out back to the ocean.


What We Noticed on Day 1

Some Repairs are Well Underway

We noticed that for many homes, roofs had already been fixed. Insurance professionals on the ground have done an outstanding job of processing claims quickly for many homeowners and in some cases the work is already done and brand-new roofs are on homes.

Many Homeowners Haven’t Gotten Help

There are plenty of homes where damage is severe but the roof has not been repaired. Many of the people have taken to ad-hoc repairs using tarps, boards, and so forth. These measures offer a small level of protection for the homes, though they serve to illustrate that a lot of people still haven’t gotten the help they need. In some cases, homeowners are waiting for the claims process to work through on their behalf, some are under-insured and others don’t have insurance at all.

Whatever the case, our hearts go out to those who are suffering from the effects of Harvey in the area.

Port Lavaca

We flew over a few neighborhoods at about 200 feet. Some homes seem relatively undamaged from the height, though others didn’t fare so well. Images from actual inspections will be included in future posts.

Keep checking out our Instagram and Facebook and #droneridealong to see what we’re up to.

If you need help with inspections and you’re in the Beaumont, Houston, or Corpus Christi area, sign up for a drone ride along at: https://www.lovelandinnovations.com/drone-ride-along/.
