Feet on the Street and Drones in the Sky

Drones are all the buzz in the news right now and there’s an arms race to get them in the hands of insurance pros. After much market curiosity and anticipation to see just how drones shake up the P&C industry, Crawford & Company demoed their drone services offering last week to a select group of clients. It was a quiet, but big step for the industry.

Crawford & Company finds itself uniquely poised to accelerate drone adoption for the Property and Casualty insurance industry. They have a stellar reputation, an impressive market footprint through their networks like Contractor Connection and WeGoLook, and are known for their inclusion of technology to innovate and improve the performance of their networks. Their addition of drone services is just further proof of their commitment to providing the best service to their clients.

Oh, and if you pay close attention to the skin on the drone and the logo on that handsome fella’s polo, you’ll see that IMGING is the drone solution powering their services.

When our founder, Jim Loveland, set off to start Loveland Innovations, it was with the vision that drone technology could revolutionize the P&C insurance industry, allowing insurance professionals to make a difference in more lives, faster. It was a vision, grounded in 30 years of experience in the industry, and we are ecstatic about this HUGE step forward for us, Crawford & Company and the P&C Industry. But most importantly, we’re excited to improve the lives of the Insurance professionals we work so diligently to empower.

Keep checking back on our blog for all the latest news about drones in the property and casualty space.
